Sample RC01: Reinforced Concrete Buildings

Basic Information | Commentary

Basic Information


Building Overview

The file name is in the format of (B sample number, building number) _ (Number of story) _ (structure type).

B01_3F_RC: 3-sotry reinforced concrete moment resisting frame

B02_3F_RC: 3-sotry reinforced concrete frame with shear walls

B03_4F_RC: 4-sotry reinforced concrete school building


Building information includes the source information of creating input data of STERA_3D, such as plan, elevation, section, material strength.

  Building Information (*.pdf) Input file (*.stera) STERA_3D version Author Date
1 B01_3F_RC B01_3F_RC 9.3 Taiki Saito 2017.10.08
2 B02_3F_RC B02_3F_RC 9.3 Taiki Saito 2017.10.08
3 B03_4F_RC B03_4F_RC 9.3 Taiki Saito 2017.10.17


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B03_04F_RC: How to prepare input date for 4-story reinforced concrete school building

The spandrel wall and hanging walls are considered as one layer each. That is, the first floor part consists of the following three layers (1F to 3F).

1F: Spandrel wall (weight=0, height=1100mm)

2F: Short column (weight=0, height=1000mm)

3F: Hanging wall (weight=5310kN, height=hanging wall 500mm + half of beam 300mm)

Then, the first floor is completed.


Repeat this process up tp the fourth floor, the whole building (1F - 12F) is completed.

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